When you want to take something hot out of the oven, what do you grab? A pot holder or trivet? A dish rag? So many people grab whatever is nearby that will sort of get the job done because it’s easier, but it’s just not safe. Grabbing that nearby dish rag will increase your chances of getting burned or dropping your food and dishware onto the floor. We want you to be able to stay as safe and independent as possible for as long as you can, which is why we wanted to tell you about these silicone oven mitts, which we love.
We used to use standard oven mitts and they worked most of the time. But we often burnt holes through them and every once in awhile they even caught on fire. Even when we did not burn holes through them, I noticed that my hands often felt really hot when I was using them, like I was about to get burned even with my hand inside the mitt. At other times, I noticed that Becki would just grab a dish rag to get things out of the oven because it was right there. As an occupational therapist, this got me really worried because I could see how easily this scenario could end badly.
Then, one day, we discovered these silicone oven mitts and they made things so much easier. We actually still have the same ones that we originally bought, because they have never gotten holes in them or caught on fire! These oven mitts are made from 100% silicone on the outside and they have some texture added to them. This makes it much easier to grab and hold onto objects than when you use a regular oven mitt. These silicone mitts are heat resistant and safe to use for cooking up to 500 degrees Fahrenheit, which should cover most of the cooking that people do. I cook a fair amount, and I have never needed to cook anything higher than 450 degrees. (However, if you do cook at higher temperatures, you will need to look into other options!) These oven mitts also have 100% quilted cotton on the inside and our hands have always felt protected when we use them. They are also easy to clean. I usually just use a soapy sponge to wipe the outside, rinse them off, and then hang them on a hook or leave them in the dish drainer to dry. While nothing can guarantee that you will not get burned or drop hot items onto the floor, these oven mitts can significantly reduce your chances of having those things happen. However, if you have any specific medical conditions that might make these mitts challenging to use, we recommend that you consult with a doctor or occupational therapist about your specific situation.

We love these and we hope you will too. If you want to give these a try to see if they will work for you, you can find a link to them here. We hope these will keep you cooking safely and independently for a long time to come!
If you decide to try out these oven mitts, make sure that once you get them, you also find a safe place to keep them that’s close to your oven and easy to reach. Making it as easy as possible to grab these instead of something else will increase the chances that you will use them and stay safe!